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ENHR Conference 2021_Unsettled Settlements:Housing in Unstable Contexts_Nicosia, Cyprus

...The proposed umbrella topic aims to explore and understand uncertainties and instabilities which shape contemporary urban living, to unveil critical concerns on the impact of such unsettling practices on the production of housing environments and to foster an inquiry into potential responses in the form of policies, governance, social innovation, community initiatives and planners’ investments, including COVID responses.


The European Network for Housing Research (ENHR) was established in 1988 to provide an organizational platform for institutions and individuals in (and outside) Europe, who are actively engaged in housing research. The network now has about 700 members representing almost every country in Europe and a fair number of non-European countries.

ENHR is where housing specialists from North and South, East and West should feel they are not in an isolated position but part of a housing research network that can bring their research efforts on a higher level.